Front side environment management example
In this post we are going to consider a front side application built using AngularJS
, Grunt
, Bower
as part of its technical stack.
For the purpose of this example we will only consider development
and production
Why the dev
and the production
environments should differ?
In development stage, we need the changes made to html
markup or the javascript
code to be made available to the browser as quick as possible. In most cases loading time of a the initial page is not a big concern. Moreover the javascript
code must support debbuging.
In production, the main concern is to make the ui as 'quick' as possible; The time needed to display a fragment of the ui must be reduce to the minimum. Some of the most common means to meet those goals are :
- minifying and compressing
files - minifying and compressing
files - for
, minifying, combining, and automatically caching your HTML
You can also consider using javascript
optimizer tools such as google closure.
In dev
we will inject the bower
dependencies and the application resources in two different locations of the index.html
using the Grunt
plugin grunt-injector
First we had the placeholders required for injection in the index.html
<!-- bower:css -->
// bower css dependencies
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- injector:css -->
// application specific css injection
<!-- endinjector -->
<!-- bower:js -->
// bower js dependencies
<!-- endbower -->
<!-- injector:css -->
// application js injection
<!-- endinjector -->
then we declare the injection into the Gruntfile.js
(customize to match your project structure).
injector : {
// inject bower css and js dependencies into the file index.html
bower : {
options : {
starttag : '<!-- bower: -->',
endtag : '<!-- endbower -->',
addRootSlash : false // depends on your project
files : {
'index.html' : [ 'bower.json' ],
app : {
options : {
addRootSlash : false, // depends on your project
relative : true // depends on your project
files : {
'index.html' : [ 'ordered application js files', 'another file', '...' ],
and with the following registered Grunt
grunt.registerTask('build:dev', [ 'injector:bower', 'injector:app' ]);
calling grunt build:dev
will inject all the css and js files into the file index.html
For production we want to have the bower dependencies minified and concatened into a single file. In this example I decided to use the minified version published within the bower dependency package (note that none might exists and the unminified version will be used in that case).
As the order in which files are concatened is imperative I use a trick and use the dependency resolution of grunt-injector
to have the files in the right order.
The grunt task to create and inject a minified and concatened version of the bower dependencies into the index.html
file do the following steps :
- create two files to write the dependencies, one for the
dependencies and the other for thecss
dependencies - inject the dependencies into those files
- copy the dependencies keeping the order
- concatenate the files
- copy the concatened files into the source code of the application
- inject the concatened files into the
grunt.registerTask('inject:bower:min:concat', function() {
var path = require('path');
var log = grunt.log.write;
var basename = 'bower-deps', basedir = 'target';
var dirs = {
css : path.join(basedir, 'css'),
js : path.join(basedir, 'js')
var files = {
config : {
css : path.join(basedir, basename + '-css.txt'),
js : path.join(basedir, basename + '-js.txt')
out : {
css : path.join(basedir, basename + '.css'),
js : path.join(basedir, basename + '.js')
var configFiles = {};
configFiles[files.config.js] = [ 'bower.json' ];
configFiles[files.config.css] = [ 'bower.json' ];
// Write the bower dependencies resolved by the grunt-injector plugin to
// a config file
injector : {
bower_all_config : {
options : {
min : true, // inject min version when available
addRootSlash : false,
transform : function(filepath, index) {
return filepath;
files : configFiles
// inject the concatened bower dependencies to index.html
bower_all : {
options : {
starttag : '<!-- bower: -->',
endtag : '<!-- endbower -->',
addRootSlash : false,
relative : true
files : {
// paths are up to your project structure
'index.html' : [ 'app/lib/*.css', 'app/lib/*.js' ],
// Copy the dependencies of the config file to directory conserving the
// order resolved by the grunt-injector plugin
grunt.registerTask('copy-bower-deps', 'Copy bower dependencies', function() {
var dest = null, ext = null, tokens = null, data = null;
for ( var ext in files.config) {
data =[ext]);
tokens = data.split("\n");
for (var i = 1; i < tokens.length - 2; i++) {
dest = path.join(dirs[ext], (('000' + i).substr(-3)) + '.' + ext);
grunt.file.copy(tokens[i], dest);
// Concat all bower dependencies to a single file
concat : {
options : {
separator : ';\n',
bower_all_css : {
src : [ path.join(dirs.css, '*.css') ],
dest : files.out.css,
bower_all_js : {
src : [ path.join(dirs.js, '*.js') ],
dest : files.out.js,
// Copy files to the application directory
copy : {
bower_all : {
files : [ {
expand : true,
src : [ files.out.css, files.out.js ],
dest : 'app/lib', // path is up to your project structure
flatten : true,
filter : 'isFile'
}, ],
// create files to inject the bower dependencies resolved by the
// grunt-injector plugin
grunt.file.write(files.config.css, '<!-- injector:css --><!-- endinjector -->');
grunt.file.write(files.config.js, '<!-- injector:js --><!-- endinjector -->');'injector:bower_all_config');
// Copy dependencies resolved by grunt-injector'copy-bower-deps');
// Concat bower dependencies into a single file'concat:bower_all_css');'concat:bower_all_js');
// Copy the built file to the application directory'copy:bower_all');
// inject the concatened bower dependencies to the index.html'injector:bower_all');
grunt.registerTask('build:prod', [ 'inject:bower:min:concat' ]);
In this example we just handle the bower dependencies. We still have to take care of the code of the application. This might be the subject of a future post.